Step 6: Deploy Approva Rendering Extension

To deploy the Approva Rendering Extension, you must enable .NET Framework 3.5 by using the Add Roles and Features Wizard. For details, see

If the report server and the application server are deployed on different machines, follow the steps below to ensure that you can export reports in the ‘CSV without report format’ through a report subscription.

  1. Copy the file from [Install Path] > MSSSRS to the ReportServer > bin on the machine on which the report server is deployed.
  2. Extract the files from directly into the ReportServer/bin folder.
  3. Double-click DeployApprovaRenderingExtension.exe to copy the following files:
    • Approva.ReportingServices.CSVWithoutReportFormatRendering.dll and Approva.SSRS.ResourcesEx.dll are copied to ReportServer/bin.
    • The following files are copied to a newly created IRC_<Database Name>folder in ReportServer/bin:
    2. DatabaseConfig.xml
    3. ExportReportRender.xml
    4. ReportSettings.xml
      Note: Ensure that these details are updated correctly in the ReportSettings.xml:
      • Report server name
      • Server virtual directory name
      • Manager Virtual Directory name
    After deploying the IACMRendering Extension, you must:
    • Stop Reporting Service and SQL server.
    • Clear the Reporting Services temp files located at [Reporting Server Install Path]\Reporting Services\RSTempFiles.
    • Start Reporting Services and SQl server.

    To check that the DeployApprovaRenderingExtension.exe is successfully deployed, check the log file yyyymmdd_DeployApprovaRenderingExtension.log at the location from which the DeployApprovaRenderingExtension.exehas been run.

    If there are errors shown in the log, right-click on the Approva.SSRS.ResourcesEx.dll file, select Properties and make sure the ‘Read-only’ attribute is not selected.