Step 2: Install the IRC Adapter

Follow these steps to install the IRC Adapter.

Note: The IRC adapter must be installed on the same drive as IRC Services; else Access Manager installation may fail.
  1. Within the IRC Platform 10.3 folder, click Install > 2-Adapter folder.
    See the Elements of the product zip files for details.
  2. Double-click the setup.exe. This starts the IRC Adapters – Install Shield Wizard.
  3. Click Next. The Customer Information screen is displayed.
  4. Provide the User Name and Company Name.
  5. Click Next. The wizard displays the Select Features screen.
  6. Select Infor Risk & Compliance Adapter.

    Note: By default, the selected features are installed in the folder C:\Program Files\Approva\BizRights. Click Browse to select a new location. The IRC adapter must be installed on the same drive as IRC Services.
  7. Click Next. The Web Site Selection screen is displayed.
  8. From the list of web sites, select a web site to install the IRC adapter. The adapter must be hosted on the same web site as IRC Services.
  9. Click Next. The Start Copying Files screen is displayed.

    The Start Copying Files screen displays the information you have entered on the previous screens. In case you want to change any settings, click Back to return to the previous screen.

  10. Click Next to continue. The wizard begins installing the IRC Adapter. This screen displays the installation progress, as files are copied to the location specified.

    When installation is complete, the system displays the Finish screen.

  11. Click Finish to exit the Wizard.

    File Location

    After the adapter has been successfully installed, the installer stores the related files at the following location: [Install Path]\Adapters\TMonitor.