What do I do if a scheduled task to upload data to the target IRC server fails?
The workaround depends on the cause of the failure to upload tasks:
Cause | Work around |
The parameters provided while adding a project to the IRC Portable Data Scheduler such as the script path are incorrect. The data upload tasks scheduled with this offline extraction project fail. |
Add the offline extraction project with correct parameters and execute the task again. You can execute the task again only if the task is set to recur. Note: If it is a one time task, you need to create the
scheduled task again and execute the task.
The required Insights are not installed on the target IRC server. For example, if the data extracted from Oracle is uploaded to the server where the required Oracle Insights are not installed, the upload task will fail. | Install the required Insights on the selected IRC server. |
IRC Portable Data Scheduler service is stopped on the target IRC server. |
Restart the IRC Portable Data Scheduler service on the target server as follows:
If the connection through which the extracted data is being uploaded is deleted from the target IRC application. | Create a connection with the same name again. |