Check target server settings

If Internet Information Services (IIS) on the target server does not support .svc files, you will not be able to add the target server to the IRC Portable Data Scheduler.

Check whether IIS on the target server supports .svc files as follows:

  1. Open Server Manager (From task bar or Start menu). The Dashboard tab is displayed, by default.
  2. Click Add Roles and features.
  3. Click Start the add role and feature wizard and click Next.
  4. On the Installation Type page ensure that the option Role based or feature based installation is selected.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Select and highlight desire server name and click Next.
  7. Click Next on Server roles page.
  8. Expand .Netframework 4.5 features.
  9. Under WCF Services, select the check box HTTP-Activation.
  10. Click Install.