Installing Insights on IRC PDE

Before data can be extracted from an Insight, you need to install these Insights on the IRC PDE. Insights will be available for selection when scheduling an extraction through the IRC PDE wizard.

Install an Insight on IRC PDE as follows:

  1. Double-click PDEInstallationKit.exe and click Step 2 - Install Insights link on the Installation tab.
  2. Alternatively, select Start > Programs > IRC > Insight Installer. The Welcome page of the IRC Insight Setup wizard is displayed.
  3. Click Next. The installation wizard displays the Choose Insight Location screen.
  4. Browse to the Insights folder within the product package structure.
    • If the folder selected does not contain any directories, the wizard displays the following error message:No Process Module directories found.
    • If the folder does not contain the Insight configuration files, the wizard displays the following error message: Process Module Config and Installer Config XML files not found in the specified directory. Please enter the valid Insights folder path.
  5. Click Next. The system displays the IRC Insights Selection screen.
  6. Select the application on which the Insights are to be installed. Select IRC PDE.
  7. Select the Select All Insights check box to install all Insights or select particular Insights to be installed.
    • The upper section displays the Insights available for installation.
    • The lower section displays the Insights that are already installed.
    Note: You can select any number of IRC Insights for installation.
  8. Click Next. The system displays a summary of the Insights to be installed.
  9. Click Next to start the installation.
  10. Click Next to view the installation status progress.
  11. When the installation is complete, click Finish to close the wizard.