Email notification for emergency access responsibility revocation

When an emergency access responsibility assigned to a user is revoked, an email notification can be sent to the owner of the responsibility.

For this, configure the settings in NotificationHandlerPlugin.xml located at [Install Path]\Settings. Locate the tag <request type> for OracleAccessOnDemand to enable this setting for an Oracle emergency access request.

The figure below is an example of configuring the setting to ‘true’.


Configure the xml as:

XML file name and path [InstallPath]\Settings
Node <notifyroleownerforrevocation>false</notifyroleownerforrevocation>
Configuration settings

Configure the value in the node to true. The responsibility owner receives an email notification when an Emergency access responsibility is revoked.

This setting is applicable only for:

Emergency access responsibilities that are revoked after the setting modified.

Users assigned responsibility ownership after the setting is modified.

Note: Email notification for responsibility revocation will be sent only if the configuration settings for responsibility assignment as explained above is set to true.

Default false. The owner of the emergency access responsibility will receive an email notification about the responsibility revocation.