Portable Data Extractor

The Portable Data Extractor (PDE) is used to extract data remotely and is designed to work with the IRC Platform.

The Portable Data Extractor can be installed on any computer connected to an Oracle system. Data extracted from Oracle can be collected in these output files.

  • <project name>.beu - This file contains metadata for the project. This includes Insight, connection and object information, and a listing of the .bez files for each of the objects.
  • <project name>.bez - This file contains the data extracted from Oracle. Multiple .bez files are created - one for each extracted object.
  • <project name>.log - This file contains the events captured during extraction.
  • ExtractionSummary.txt - This file contains a summary of the extraction process

These files are stored in the project folder created during extraction.

The extracted data can then be imported into IRC and used as an extraction source by the adapter.

Note: For details on installing and using Portable Data Extraction, see the Infor Risk & Compliance Portable Data Extractor Installation Guide and the nfor Risk & Compliance Portable Data Extractor Online help.