Minimum privileges scripts for 8i Database
Use these minimum privileges scripts to create synonyms for 8i database.
Note: If the server installation on 8i database and if the
synonym is already present, the script will fail to create the synonym.
In this case, continue with the steps to create the minimum privileges user, assuming that the existing synonyms are for the same objects that are required to be given the minimum privileges.
Insight name | Use this script |
System Configuration | createsynonym-sys_1159_8i_DATABASE.sql |
Financial Close | OracleFCLPCI_create_synonyms
-1_1159_8i_DATABASE.sql |
Order-to-Cash | OracleO2CPCI_create_
synonyms_1159_8i_DATABASE.sql |
Procure-to-Pay | OracleP2PPCI_create_
synonyms_1159_8i_DATABASE.sql |
Payroll | OraclePAYPCI_create_
synonyms_1159_8i_DATABASE.sql |