Procure-to-Pay, Order-To-Cash, and General Ledger
This section lists the objects of the Procure-to-Pay (P2P), Order to Cash (O2C), and General Ledger (GL) business process, their friendly names and their technical names:
Object friendly name | Transaction/Master data | Module | Objects technical name |
GL Code Combinations | Master | GL | GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS |
GL Balances | Master | GL | GL_BALANCES |
RA Customer Trx All | Transaction | O2C | RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL |
RA Customer Trx Lines All | Transaction | O2C | RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL |
HZ Customer Profiles | Master | O2C | HZ_CUSTOMER_PROFILES |
HZ Parties | Master | O2C | HZ_PARTIES |
HZ Cust Accounts | Master | O2C | HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS |
WSH New Deliveries | Transaction | O2C | WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES |
WSH Delivery Details | Transaction | O2C | WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS |
RCV Shipment Headers | Transaction | P2P | RCV_SHIPMENT_HEADERS |
RCV Shipment Lines | Transaction | P2P | RCV_SHIPMENT_LINES |
AP Invoices All | Transaction | P2P | AP_INVOICES_ALL |
AP Invoice Lines All | Transaction | P2P | AP_INVOICE_LINES_ALL |
AP Invoice Distributions All | Transaction | P2P | AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL |
GL JE Headers | Transaction | GL | GL_JE_HEADERS |
GL JE Lines | Transaction | GL | GL_JE_LINES |
MTL System Items B | Master | P2P, O2C | MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B |
OE Order Headers All | Transaction | O2C | OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL |
AP Invoice Payments All | Transaction | P2P | AP_INVOICE_PAYMENTS_ALL |
FND User | Master | GL, O2C, P2P | FND_USER |
PO Headers All | Transaction | P2P | PO_HEADERS_ALL |
PO Lines All | Transaction | P2P | PO_LINES_ALL |
PO Distributions All | Transaction | P2P | PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL |
PO Requisition Headers All | Transaction | P2P | PO_REQUISITION_HEADERS_ALL |
PO Requisition Lines All | Transaction | P2P | PO_REQUISITION_LINES_ALL |
PO Vendors | Master | P2P | PO_VENDORS |
PO Vendor Contacts | Master | P2P | PO_VENDOR_CONTACTS |
PO Vendor Sites All | Master | P2P | PO_VENDOR_SITES_ALL |
AP Payment Schedules All | Transaction | P2P | AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL |
AP Suppliers | Master | P2P | AP_SUPPLIERS |
AP Suppliers Sites All | Master | P2P | AP_SUPPLIERS_SITES_ALL |