Authorizations Insight specific objects
This table lists the objects (tables) of the Authorizations Insight for Oracle, their friendly names and their descriptions.
Table name | Friendly name | Description |
AK_RESP_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES | Responsibility Securing Attributes | Specifies attributes that can be accessed based on a user’s responsibility. |
AK_WEB_USER_SEC_ATTR_VALUES | User Securing Attributes | Web user security attributes value. |
AP_WEB_SIGNING_LIMITS_ALL | Payables Web Signing Limits | Stores employees’ signing limits for expense reports. |
AR_APPROVAL_USER_LIMITS | Receivables Approval User Limits | Stores employees’ approval limit for receivables adjustments and credit memos. |
FND_APPLICATION | Applications | Stores applications registered with Oracle Application Object Library. |
FND_CONC_REQUEST_ARGUMENTS | Concurrent Request Arguments | Stores information about arguments – from 26th to 100th argument – for concurrent requests. |
FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAMS | Concurrent Programs | Stores information about concurrent programs. |
FND_CONCURRENT_REQUEST_CLASS | Concurrent Request Class | Stores information about concurrent request types. |
FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS | Concurrent Requests | Stores information about executed concurrent requests. Each record includes values that identify the particular request and its parameters, such as who submitted the request and so on. |
FND_DATA_GROUP_UNITS | Data Group Units | Stores information about Oracle database accounts associated with various applications under different data groups. |
FND_DATA_GROUPS | Data Groups | Stores information about different data groups. |
FND_EXECUTABLES | Executables | Stores information about concurrent program executables. |
FND_FORM_FUNCTIONS | Form Functions | Stores information about functions. |
FND_LOGIN_RESP_FORMS | Login Responsibilities Forms | Stores Sign-In and Sign-Out Audit information about who used which forms in an application and when they are used. |
FND_LOGIN_RESPONSIBILITIES | Login Responsibilities | Stores Sign-In and Sign-Out Audit information about who navigated responsibilities in an application and when. |
FND_LOGINS | Logins | Stores Sign-In and Sign-Out Audit information about who signed on to an application and when. |
FND_MENU_ENTRIES | Menu Entries | Stores information about menu hierarchies. |
FND_MENUS | Menus | Stores menus that appear in the Navigate Window, as determined by the System Administrator when defining responsibilities for function security. |
FND_ORACLE_USERID | Oracle UserId | Stores information about Oracle accounts that contain application data. AOL uses this information to allow users access to application data depending on their responsibilities. |
FND_PROFILE_OPTION_VALUES | Profile Option Values | Stores values about profile options. |
FND_PROFILE_OPTIONS | Profile Options | Stores information about profile options. |
FND_REQUEST_GROUP_UNITS | Request Group Units | Stores information about components of request and groups such as concurrent programs and request sets. |
FND_REQUEST_GROUPS | Request Groups | Stores information about report security groups. AOL uses this information to control access to reports of different responsibilities. |
FND_REQUEST_SET_PROGRAM_ARGS | Request Set Program Arguments | Stores information about arguments in every report set defined with AOL. |
FND_REQUEST_SET_PROGRAMS | Request Set Programs | Stores information about reports within report sets. |
FND_REQUEST_SETS | Request Sets | Stores information about report sets. |
FND_RESP_FUNCTIONS | Responsibilities, Functions and Menu Exclusions | Stores security exclusion rules associated with function security menus. Security exclusion rules are lists of functions and menus that cannot be accessed by a particular responsibility. |
FND_RESPONSIBILITY | Responsibility | Stores information about responsibilities. |
FND_SECURITY_GROUPS | Security Groups | Stores information about security groups used to partition data in a Service Bureau Architecture. |
FND_UNSUCCESSFUL_LOGINS | Unsuccessful Logins | Stores Sign-On Audit information about unsuccessful login attempts. |
FND_USER | User | Stores information about Oracle users. |
FND_USER_RESP_GROUPS | User Responsibilities Groups | Stores information about the responsibilities assigned to application users. |
GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS | General Ledger Authorization Limits | Stores information about Journal Authorization. Approval Limits. |
GL_SETS_OF_BOOKS | Set of Books | Stores information about the sets of books defined in the Oracle General Ledger application. |
HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS | All Organization Units | Holds the definitions that identify business groups and the organization units within a single business group. |
HR_ORGANIZATION_UNITS | Organization units | This is a view that is used to simplify forms coding. |
FND_PRODUCT_GROUPS | Product Groups | Stores information about release, language and type of product group (For example, Standard or Demonstration) you have installed at your site. |
PER_ORGANIZATION_LIST | Organization lists | Holds the list of organizations that a secure user can access. This list is created and maintained by the LISTGEN security process using the definition of the security profile. Rows are created for all profiles that have the VIEW_ALL_ORGANIZATIONS_FLAG set to N. |
HR_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION | Organization information | Used to hold two distinct sets of organization information. When ORG_INFORMATION_CONTEXT is set to CLASS, this table acts as an intersection table between organizations and organization classifications. ORGANIZATION_ID identifies the organization and ORG_INFORMATION1 holds the organization classification name. This information is maintained by the organization classifications block of the Organization form. When ORG_INFORMATION_CONTEXT is set to an information type held in HR_ORG_INFORMATION_TYPES the ORG_INFORMATION1-20 columns hold details for the specific information type. This information is maintained by a predefined protected descriptive flex field. |
ORG_ACCESS | Organization Access | Stores information about which organizations are available for a particular responsibility. |
PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F | Employees | Stores personal information of employees. |
WF_USER_ROLE_ASSIGNMENTS | User Role Assignments | Stores information about the direct and inherited assignments of users to roles in the Oracle Applications. |
WF_LOCAL_ROLES | Oracle Roles | Stores role information, including a user flag to mark those roles that also represent individual users. |
WF_ROLE_HIERARCHIES | Role Hierarchies | Creates a hierarchical relationship between Roles and Responsibilities. |
FND_GRANTS | Grants | Stores information about grants provided to user(s)/role/responsibility/everyone on objects. |