Installing oracle 11g client release 2

Install Oracle 11g Client Release 2 as follows:

  1. Download the Oracle11g Client Release 2 for the 64 bit version from to the IRC application server.
  2. Double-click setup.exe. You will see the following screen:
    Select Installation Type
  3. Select Custom as the installation type.
  4. Click Next.
    Select Product Languages
  5. Select the required language.
  6. Click Next.
    Specify Installation location
  7. Specify the path at which the application should be installed.
  8. Click Next.
    Available Product Components
  9. Click Select All.
  10. Click Next.
    Oracle Database Scheduler Agent
  11. Provide the name of the server on which Oracle 11g Client Release 2 will be installed.
  12. Provide the scheduler agent port number. If the number is already in use, you will be alerted and prompted to change it.
    Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Services
  13. Specify the port number for the Oracle MTS recovery service. If the port number is already in use, the system will alert you and prompt you to provide a different port number.
  14. Click Next. The Prerequisite Checks screen is displayed.
    Perform Prerequisite checks
  15. The wizard verifies that your environment meets the prerequisites for installing Oracle 11g Client. Click Next. The Summary screen is displayed.
    Summary screen
  16. This screen is a summary of the settings selected. Click Finish to proceed with the installation.
    Install Product

    Oracle Net Configuration Assitant:Welcome

  17. Click the check box for Perform typical configuration.
    Finish screen
  18. Click Close to exit the wizard.
    Note:  Restart the IRC application server after Oracle 11g Client Release 2 is installed.