Authorizations Insight specific objects
This section lists the objects (friendly names) of the Authorizations Insight for Lawson and the corresponding tables:
Object friendly name | Table name |
Users | IACM_AI_LAWSON_Users |
Roles | IACM_AI_LAWSON_Roles |
Roles assigned to Users | IACM_AI_LAWSON_AssignmentofRolestoUsers |
Security Classes | IACM_AI_LAWSON_SecurityClasses |
Security Classes assigned to Roles | IACM_AI_LAWSON_AssignmentofSecurityClassestoRoles |
Token Action Master Details | IACM_AI_LAWSON_TokenActionDetails |
Tokens assigned to Security Classes | IACM_AI_LAWSON_AssignmentofTokenstoSecurityClasses |
Actions assigned to Security Classes through Tokens | IACM.AI.LAWSON.SecurityClassTokenActionAssignmentDetails |