Procure-to-Pay, General Ledger, and Order to Cash objects
This section lists the objects of the Procure-to-Pay (P2P),General Ledger (GL), and Order to Cash(O2C) business process, the friendly names and the technical names:
Note: The append mode is enabled for all Master and Transaction objects.
Object friendly name | Transaction/Master data | Module | Objects technical name | Date Field for 'Full' Extraction |
Account Distributions | Transaction | P2P | MMDIST | CREATE_ DATE |
Accounts Payable Invoice | Transaction | P2P | APINVOICE | CREATE_DATE |
AP Vendor Address | Master | P2P | APVENADDR | |
Costing Record | Transaction | P2P | ICRECEIPTS | RECEIVED_DATE |
Employee | Master | P2P,GL,O2C | EMPLOYEE | |
Employee Location | Master | P2P,GL,O2C | EMPLOYEE_LOCATION | |
General Ledger Chart | Master | GL | GLCHART | |
General Ledger Chart Detail | Master | GL | GLCHARTDTL | |
General Ledger Chart Summary | Master | GL | GLCHARTSUM | |
General Ledger Control | Transaction | GL | GLCONTROL | POSTING_DATE |
General Ledger Account Master | Master | GL | GLMASTER | |
General Ledger Names | Master | GL | GLNAMES | |
General Ledger Company | Master | GL | GLSYSTEM | |
General Ledger Transactions | Transaction | GL | GLTRANS | POSTING_DATE |
Inventory Transaction | Transaction | P2P,O2C | ICTRANS | TRANS_DATE |
Invoice Distribution Header | Transaction | P2P | APDISTRIB | APINVOICE.CREATE_DATE |
Invoice Payment | Transaction | P2P | APPAYMENT | CHECK_DATE |
Item Location | Master | P2P,O2C | ITEMLOC | |
Item Master | Master | P2P,O2C | ITEMMAST | |
Item/Item Location Audit | Master | P2P,O2C | ICAUDIT | |
Line Items | Transaction | P2P | POLINE | Join to PURCHORDER FOR PO_DATE |
Matching Invoice Detail | Transaction | P2P | MAINVDTL | DISTRIB_ DATE |
PO Line Item Receivings | Transaction | P2P | PORECLINE | REC_DATE |
PO Line Source | Transaction | P2P | POLINESRC | Join to PURCHORDER FOR PO_DATE |
PO Receivers | Transaction | P2P | PORECEIVE | REC_DATE |
Purchase Order Master | Transaction | P2P | PURCHORDER | PO_DATE |
Requisition Header | Transaction | P2P | REQHEADER | CREATION_DATE |
Requisition Line | Transaction | P2P | REQLINE | CREATION_DATE |
Vendor | Master | P2P | APVENMAST | |
Vendor Location | Master | P2P | APVENLOC | |
AR Company Customer | Master | O2C | ARCUSTOMER | |
AR MICR Customer Cross Ref | Master | O2C | ARMICRCUST | |
AR Group Customer | Master | O2C | CUSTDESC | |
AR Distributions | Transaction | O2C | ARDISTRIB | Multiple fields in the AROIHDR.TRANS_DATE table for extraction |
AR Payment Remittance | Transaction | O2C | ARREMIT | Multiple fields in the ARPAYMENT.DEPOSIT_DATE table for extraction |
Customer Order Line | Transaction | O2C | COLINE | Multiple fields in CUSTORDER table for extraction |
Customer Order File | Transaction | O2C | CUSTORDER | CUSTORDER.ORDER_DATE |
Return Detail | Transaction | O2C | RETURNDTL | Multiple fields in RETURNHDR table for extraction |
Return Header | Transaction | O2C | RETURNHDR | RETURNHDR.R_DATE |
Return Line | Transaction | O2C | RETURNLINE | Multiple fields in RETURNHDR table for extraction |
Shipment Line | Transaction | O2C | WHSHIPLINE | Multiple fields in WHSHIPMENT table for extraction |
Shipment | Transaction | O2C | WHSHIPMENT | WHSHIPMENT.PRINT-DATE |
Shipment Line Detail | Transaction | O2C | WHSHLDTL | Multiple fields in WHSHIPMENT table for extraction |
Invoice | Transaction | O2C | OEINVOICE | OEINVOICE.INVOICE_DATE |
Invoice Line | Transaction | O2C | OEINVCLINE | Multiple fields in OEINVOICE table for extraction |
Order Entry GL Distribution | Transaction | O2C | OEDIST | Multiple fields in OEINVOICE table for extraction |
AR Transaction Header | Transaction | O2C | AROIHDR | AROIHDR.TRANS_DATE |
AR Transaction | Transaction | O2C | AROITEMS | Multiple fields in AROIHDR table for extraction |