Configuring ADFS on the IRC application server

  • To enable IRC with ADFS, the IRC authentication must be Infor Risk & Compliance Application Security (IRCAS).
  • To enable CM ADFS, the CM authentication must be Certification Manager Authentication Scheme (CMAS).

To configure ADFS on the IRC Application server:

  1. Remotely access the IRC Application server. For example,
  2. Copy and paste the latest version of the Environment Manager Utility files, at the location [Install Path]\Core\bin\.
  3. Double click Environment Manager.exe.
  4. Select IRC > Application Config Settings > Authentication Scheme Settings > ADFS tab.

  5. Select the Enable ADFS check box and provide the following details.

    IRC/CM Host Server
    For example, machinename:portnumber.
    For example, https://ADFS server name:port number/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml where ADFS server name is the FQDN where ADFS in installed and port number is the port number of ADFS application.
  6. Click Update. The Environment Manager Utility displays a confirmation message.

  7. Click OK.