Execute IRC analysis

This method allows scheduling or running an analysis based on the scoping parameters provided. The scoping parameters supported in IRC for executing an analysis are rule books and application.


Public Boolean ExecuteAnalysis(AuthInfo objAuthInfo, 
IBizAnalysisObject, out int AnalysisID); 


Parameter Description
Auth Object Authentication object with IRC user name and password provided to the application consuming the web service.
IBizAnalysisObject Set the IBizAnalysisObject with the required parameters like analysis name, analysis type (Immediate/Scheduled), rule books, date and time (if scheduled) and application ID list.
AnalysisID Analysis ID will be obtained if analysis is scheduled immediately. Else the value will be 0.


BizRightsPublishingFramework.PublishingWebServices objMyImplementation = new 
objSetAnalysis = BizRightsPublishingFramework.IBizAnalysisObject(); 
objSetAnalysis.Name = “Q1-2006 Audit Analysis”; 
objAnalysis.analysisType = AnalysisType.Immediate; 
objSetAnalysis.RuleBook = “1,2,3”; 
objSetAnalysis.Application = “1”; 
int intAnalysisID; 
Boolean boolAnalysis = objMyImplementation.ExecuteAnalysis(objAuthInfo, objSetAnalysis, out intAnalysisID);