Get IRC violation summary
Returns the violation summary for a given analysis. Violation summary will be grouped by violation type and severity. Violation type could be user, role, rule book and rule and severity can be High, Medium & Low.
Public IBizViolationSummaryCollection GetViolationSummary(AuthInfo objAuthInfo, int AnalysisID);
Parameter | Description |
Auth Object | Authentication object with IRC user name and password provided to the application consuming the web service. |
AnalysisID | The unique ID of the IRC Analysis, which will provide the list of violations by rule, rule book, user and role. The Analysis ID can be set by using the GetObjectData method. |
BizRightsPublishingFramework.PublishingWebServices objMyImplementation = new
BizRightsPublishingFramework.IBizViolationSummaryCollection objBizViolationCol = new
BizRightsPublishingFramework.IBizViolationSummaryCollection ();
objBizViolationCol = objMyImplementation.GetViolationSummary(objAuthInfo, intAnalysisID);