Get IRC Analysis Status
Use this method to poll and check the status of a given analysis. Analyses are executed as long running tasks within IRC and may take a while to complete depending on the scope and volume of data to be analyzed. Returns the status of the analysis based on the analysis ID passed.
Public string GetAnalysisStatus(AuthInfo objAuthInfo, int AnalysisID);
Parameter | Description |
Auth Object | Authentication object with IRC user name and password provided to the application consuming the web service. |
AnalysisID | The unique ID of the IRC Analysis, which will provide the list of rule books used during analysis. |
BizRightsPublishingFramework.PublishingWebServices objMyImplementation = new
BizRightsPublishingFramework.IBizObjectCollection objBizDataCol = new
BizRightsPublishingFramework.SearchCriteria objSearchData = new
//Find the analysis ID
objBizObjectsDataCol = objMyImplementation.GetObjectData(objAuthInfo,
BizRightsPublishingFramework.ObjectType.Analysis, null,
BizRightsPublishingFramework.SearchType.Containing, objSearchData);
// Select the required Analysis ID from the collection
//Get Analysis status
String strAnalysisStatus = objMyImplementation.GetAnalysisStatus(objAuthInfo, intAnalysisID);