Get IRC rules used during analysis
Returns the list of rules used to scope a given analysis. If the rule book ID is passed to this method, it will return only the rules used from the rule book for the analysis.
Public IBizObjectCollection GetRuleForAnalysis(AuthInfo objAuthInfo, int AnalysisID, [int RuleBookID]);
Parameter | Description |
Auth Object | Authentication object with IRC user name and password provided to the application consuming the web service. |
AnalysisID | The unique ID of the IRC analysis, which will provide the list of rule books used during analysis. |
RuleBookID | Optional. The unique rule book ID of IRC objects that will be provided for getting the details. If not provided, the object will collect all the rules used during the analysis. |
BizRightsPublishingFramework.PublishingWebServices objMyImplementation = new
BizRightsPublishingFramework.IBizObjectCollection objBizObjectDataCol = new
BizRightsPublishingFramework.SearchCriteria objSearchData = new
BizRightsPublishingFramework.IBizObjectCollection objBizRuleDataCol = new
// Find the analysis id
objBizObjectsDataCol = objMyImplementation.GetObjectData(objAuthInfo,
BizRightsPublishingFramework.ObjectType.Analysis, null,
BizRightsPublishingFramework.SearchType.Containing, objSearchData);
// Get Rules
objBizRuleDataCol = objMyImplementation.GetRuleForAnalysis(objAuthInfo, intAnalysisID, 0);