
This section provides solutions to some identified areas of difficulties while interacting with Certification Manager.

When Problem Possible cause Corrective action
Certification Manager is accessed through the Infor OS Unable to access the CM application.

Open Internet Explorer.

Go to Tools > Compatibility View Settings. The Compatibility View Settings window opens.

Clear the following check boxes in this window:

  • Include updated website lists from Microsoft
  • Display intranet sites in Compatibility view
  • Display all websites in Compatibility view
Windows Authentication is selected while creating a database Not able to generate reports. Database credentials on the report server are not updated. Update the database credentials on the report server to generate the reports.
Installation remains incomplete and the installation logs show exception for SID Error: SID mismatch for master owner The creation account is other than sa and has db_owner permissions for master database

Remove db_owner permissions for creation account for master database.

Re-run and complete installation.

Reassign the permissions.

Starting Certification Manager services during installation Error message is displayed User is missing in the log on as a service group.

Log on to the Certification Manager installation server.

Navigate to Start > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment

Right-click on Log on as a service and select Properties.

Click Add User and add the user in whose context the installation is to be performed.

Click Save.

Installing Certification Manager, on the Services Account page. The 'The provided User/Account Name does not have administrator privilege on this server ,Please verify the information you provided.' error message is displayed. The specified User or the Account Name does not have Administrator privileges. Add Service Account user on the Control Panel > User Account page. Select the Group as Administrator option on the Control Panel > User Account > Change account type page and click Save.
Viewing the Dashboards page Panels not displayed on the dashboard Insufficient privileges Ensure that Everyone has full permissions on the folder [InstallPath]\CertificationManager\Presentation\TempImages
Creating a Data Source User cannot create a data source using System DSN Insufficient privileges Check for the sysadmin privilege for the database access account used during installation. This role is needed to add the link server and login credentials for the link server. For details, refer to
Creating a Data Source New data source creation fails and the error message ‘UnauthorizedAccessException’ is displayed.

On the Certification Manager application server, go to [InstallPath]\Approva\CertificationManager\Presentation\ and perform the following steps:

Right click Data folder > Properties > Security tab. A pop-up window with the The permissions on Data are incorrectly ordered, which may cause some entries to be ineffective’ message is displayed

Click OK.

Click the Sharing tab > Advanced Sharing > Permissions click OK twice.

Click Security tab > Edit. The Windows Security pop-up window with the The permissions on Data are incorrectly ordered message is displayed.

Click Reorder > Close .

In case Active Directory authentication, User sign-in In case of AD authentication, valid users are not able to sign into Certification Manager.

In the in Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager:

Anonymous Access may be turned on

Integrated Windows security may be turned off

For the for the CertificationManager folder located at IIS[Server Name]\Web Sites\Default Website (Non-default website)

Turn Anonymous Access off and turn Integrated Windows security on for the CertificationManager folder located at IISServer Name]\Web Sites\Default Website (Non-default website).
Uploading CSV files for data sources and for importing users CSV file upload fails Inadequate permissions on the Data folder located at [InstallPath]\Certification Manager\Presentation Ensure that Everyone has full permissions on the [InstallPath]\Certification Manager\ Presentation\Data folder (right-click Properties > > Security).
Installing Certification Manager. Values are not populated in the Select Web Site field. Ensure that the IIS Minimum Roles Services are added when installing IRC Platform. For details, refer to the Minimum Role Services to be Installed for IIS 7x section in the Infor Risk & Compliance Planning and Deployment Guide. In addition to these settings, ensure that the IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility, IIS 6 WMI Compatibility, and the IIS 6 Scripting Tools check boxes are selected.
After upgrading from SQL Server 2008 R2 SP3 to SQL Server 2014 Enterprise Edition The created ODBC connection is not displayed in the ODBC connection field on the ODBC Data Source creation page. As a result, ODBC Data Source cannot be created. Issue in the CLR_STORED

_PROCEDURE for the object name CM_GET_



  1. Open script CreateAssembly.sql available at path [INSTALL_PATH] \CertificationManager\database\dbscripts\install
  2. Replace $DBName$ variable with database name. For example, for CMDB_Platinum, replace $Path$ with [INSTALL_PATH]\CertificationManager\platform\bin\PlatFormShare
  3. Execute updated script in the previous step on Certification Manager Database.

SQL Server Cluster enabled deployment

The SQL Server Fail-over Wizard is executed on the cluster enabled SQL server. All the CM tasks fail or gets queued. Time lag due to the temporary SQL server unavailability during fail-over process.
  1. Restart the CM services.
  2. Reschedule the CM tasks.
The Fail-over Wizard is executed on the cluster enabled SQL server.
Note: This issue occurs if the report server database is a part of the cluster database and participates in the SQL server fail-over wizard.
The CM reports are not accessible. The encrypted key and the connection string are not available in the new primary database, after the fail-over process.
  1. Open the SQL Server Reporting Services Configuration Manager.
  2. Connect to the Listener (the name specified in the MSSRSS Server Name with Port number field when activating the IRC services).
  3. Delete the encrypted keys. A confirmation message is displayed.
  4. Click Yes. The encrypted keys are deleted. The Properties tab of the
    Note: If the system displays an error message, you must delete the encrypted keys manually. To delete the encrypted keys manually, login to the SQL server and execute the DeleteEncrytedContent stored procedure manually on the Report server database.
  5. Browse the Report Server.
  6. Click the IRC database and navigate to IRC > DataSources > CoreDB > Manage screen. The Properties tab is displayed.
  7. Specify the Connection string if not already populated. The connection string format must be:
    • data source=SQL server name;initial catalog=CM Database name;
  8. Click Save and Apply.
  9. Execute the reports.
The Fail-over Wizard is executed on the cluster enabled SQL server.
Note: This issue occurs if the report server database is a part of the cluster database and participates in the SQL server fail-over wizard.
The schedule reports are not displayed on the Report subscription tab. The new primary database is not linked with the SQL Listener. Run the sp_addlinkedserver between the SQL Listener and the Report server.