Upgrading process
Upgrade Certification Manager to 10.3.0 as follows:
- Access the IRC Platform & Insights package.
- Unzip the file directly to a root drive (for example, C:\) before beginning install.
Access the package and double-click IRCInstallationKit.exe.
Note: If you have already installed IRC, proceed to step 7 in this section.
- Within the Installation Kit, click Installation > New Installation > Install IRC Services link. On the Select Features screen, select the Infor User Access Core Module.
- Install the IRC Adapter by clicking the Install IRC Adapter link.
- Activate IRC Services and the IRC Adapter. For details of steps 4, 5 and 6, see the Infor Risk & Compliance Planning and Deployment Guide.
Click Installation > Upgrade IRC 10.3.0.
The upgrade process consists of the following steps:
- Upgrade SQL server version to 2014 Enterprise Edition (2008 R2 compatibility mode) - For details, see the section Upgrade SQL server version to 2014 Enterprise Edition (2008 R2 compatibility mode) in the Infor Risk & Compliance Planning and Deployment Guide.
- Move database from SQL Server 2008 R2 SP3 to SQL Server 2014 SP1 - For details, see the section Moving Database from SQL Server 2008 R2 SP3 to SQL Server 2014 SP1 in the Infor Risk & Compliance Planning and Deployment Guide.