Upgrading process

Upgrade Certification Manager to 10.3.0 as follows:

  1. Access the IRC Platform & Insights package.
  2. Unzip the file directly to a root drive (for example, C:\) before beginning install.
  3. Access the package and double-click IRCInstallationKit.exe.
    Note: If you have already installed IRC, proceed to step 7 in this section.
  4. Within the Installation Kit, click Installation > New Installation > Install IRC Services link. On the Select Features screen, select the Infor User Access Core Module.
  5. Install the IRC Adapter by clicking the Install IRC Adapter link.
  6. Activate IRC Services and the IRC Adapter. For details of steps 4, 5 and 6, see the Infor Risk & Compliance Planning and Deployment Guide.
  7. Click Installation > Upgrade IRC 10.3.0.
    • Upgrade SQL server version to 2014 Enterprise Edition (2008 R2 compatibility mode) - For details, see the section Upgrade SQL server version to 2014 Enterprise Edition (2008 R2 compatibility mode) in the Infor Risk & Compliance Planning and Deployment Guide.
    • Move database from SQL Server 2008 R2 SP3 to SQL Server 2014 SP1 - For details, see the section Moving Database from SQL Server 2008 R2 SP3 to SQL Server 2014 SP1 in the Infor Risk & Compliance Planning and Deployment Guide.