
The relevant user attributes are stored in the principal attribute values (PrinAtrbValBCP.xml) file. This file lists user details, such as first name, last name and e-mail in the PrinAtrbValBCP.xml as name-value pairs. The principal attribute values must have the information about the users lock status, validity and user group.

Additional user attributes can be added to this xml file. These attributes are user defined and are displayed on the IRC user interface while viewing user data. These additional attributes do not appear in the reports. However, reports can be customized to display the new data.

Note: User type needs to be defined both in PrincipalBCP.xml and PrinAtrbValBCP.xml. Attribute UserID in this xml file must match the UserName in the PrincipalBCP.xml file.
Element name Data type Length Mandatory Key Notes
AppAttributeName String 100 Yes
AppAttributeValue String Up to 255 Yes Attribute specific length. See the table below for more details.
AppAttributeDataType String 50 No
UserName String 50 Yes Foreign ser Name present in the PrincipalBCP.xml file.

This table shows the attributes required for correct processing in IRC:

AppAttributeName Mandatory Notes
UserID nVarchar(180) Yes This is the Unique User ID in IRC. User name present in the PrincipalBCP.xml file.
FirstName nVarchar(60) Yes
LastName nVarchar(60) Yes
FullName Yes Not used
User Type Int Yes This is the user type that is specified in Type tag in the PrincipalBCP.xml file.
Email nVarchar(255) Yes This value can be set to null if the specified user does not have an e-mail ID. This field is important when the user is an approver in IRC.
ValidFromDate Datetime Yes Date from which the user is valid. This can be null or any value.
ValidToDate Datetime Yes Date till which the user is valid. This can be null or any value.
Group Yes The group to which the user belongs. This can be null or any value.
LockStatus Yes Authorizes a user as valid entity for consideration during analysis. The attribute value must be set to False. True or Null values will not be considered for analysis.
TelephoneNumber No
LockStatusReason No

This example shows how to generate the PrinAtrbValBCP.xml for non-SAP applications.





To add additional customer-defined user attributes, use this format:
