
This file contains a list of all roles extracted from the non-SAP applications. Every user must have one or more roles. The role name and role type are stored in the RoleBCP.xml file.

Element name Data type Length Mandatory Key Notes
Name String 255 Yes Primary
Description String 255 Yes
ValidFromTS DateTime Yes Default to 1900-01-01T00:00:00
ValidToTS Yes Default to 1900-01-01T00:00:00
CreatedOnTS No Default to 1900-01-01T00:00:00
RoleType String 1 Yes From Role Types. If the non-SAP applications do not have the role types supported, set the default value to Unknown for all the roles from the non-SAP applications.

The role types supported are listed in this table:

Role type Description
1 Unknown. Use when the role type is unavailable.
2 Single Profile
3 Composite Profile
4 Single Role
5 Composite Role
6 Generated Profile
7 Position
8 Job

This example describes how to generate the RoleBCP.xml for non-SAP applications.
