Converting old BIFXML files v4.7 to new BIFXML format v 6.2

The BEZConverter utility can be used to convert the old BIFXML files v4.7 to new BIFXML format v 6.2.

To convert the BIFXML:

  1. Select the folder containing the old BIFXML files for PeopleSoft.
  2. Right-click and create a .zip file of the folder containing old BIFXML files.
  3. Click Browse to select the .zip file created in step 2.
  4. Execute BEZConverter.exe.
  5. Click Browse to select the path to create new BIFXML files.
  6. Click Convert to start the conversion of the files to new format. The new BIFXML files are created in selected output folder.
  7. Click Cancel to exit after successful conversion of files.