Scheduling the /BIZRIGHT/DEE_CLEANUP_REPORT using transaction SM36

The /BIZRIGHT/DEE_CLEANUP_REPORT must be scheduled as a background extraction task to perform the following operations:

  • Clear variants created for the task
  • Clear IRC Add-on temp tables, parameter, and control tables for any extraction jobs stopped automatically based on the KIL_WAIT time parameter as specified in the configuration table
  • Clear IRC Add-on temp tables, parameter, and control tables for manually stopped jobs using SAP Job Log Monitor. This improves the background extraction performance.
Note: Ensure that you schedule an appropriate job and a program before scheduling a new extraction.
  • For the older SAP releases versions including NW750, select DEE_STATUS_JOB job name and /BIZRIGHT/DEE_BG_REPORT program.
  • For the SAP release version NW750 and above, select DEE_CLEANUP_JOB job name and /BIZRIGHT/DEE_CLEANUP_REPORT program.

SAP menu

  1. On the SAP Easy Access screen use the command window to launch transaction SM36. The following screen is displayed. Define background job screen
  2. On the Define Job screen, schedule the background job. Provide the job name and job class. Job Class A (high priority) is preferred, although Job Class B (medium priority) can be set.
  3. Specify this information:
    Click Save to save the definition. A new screen appears, enabling you to add a step to the background definition.

  4. Specify the ABAP program name as /BIZRIGHT/DEE_CLEANUP_REPORT. For the other fields, retain the default values.
  5. Click the save icon at the bottom of screen to save this step. The overview of the new step added is displayed.
  6. Click exit icon to exit the transaction and return to the SAP Easy Access screen.