Installing IRC add-ons by the Application Server method

IRC add-ons can be installed on a SAP system by the Application Server method. Before you install the IRC add-on ensure the following:

  • The latest database backup is available
  • The latest SAINT level is available in the system
  1. Copy the .SAR FILE and paste in the USR\SAP\TRANS folder . For example, DEE600INNWS752HAU.SAR.
  2. Decompress the DEE600INNWS752HAU.SAR installation package using the SAPCAR utility. A PAT file is generated.
  3. Copy the PAT file in \\SAPServer\sapmnt\trans\EPS\in folder.
  4. Load the BIZDEE45 version 600 installation package file from the Application server.
  5. Execute the SAINT transaction from the SAP system. The Add-On Installation Tool screen is displayed.
  6. Click Installation Package > Load Packages > From Application Server..

    To proceed with the installation, follow the procedure listed from step 4 in the Installing IRC add-ons on SAP systems by the From Front End method section.