Default value columns for rule books

Sheet Field Optional Default value
Rule Book RuleBook Name No
Description Yes
Expiry No Never Expires
Expiration Date No: If the Expiry column has the value 'Expires'.
Status No Enabled
CreatedBy Yes The logged in user in IRC who is a rule book creator.
CreatedOn Yes Default date picked from IRC.
LastUpdatedOn Yes Current Date
Infor Risk & Compliance Insights
Note:  Ensure that you do not make any changes to the template files and that you maintain a default value of -1.
Yes. Enter '1' for Authorizations Insight and '2' for Process Insight. 1
LockStatus No Unlocked
Connection ID Yes -1
Connection Name Yes all
RBAdditionalInfo RuleBook Name No
Rule Name No
Rule Owner / Rule BPO Yes
Profile Name
Note: If this mandatory field is empty, the signed-in user will be considered the rule book owner.
First Name No
Last Name Yes
Additional Status Yes
Category Yes
Control Number Yes
Parameter List Yes
Supporting documentation name Yes
Supporting documentation link No, if supporting documentation name is provided.
Rule Book Actions Rulebook Name Yes
Action ID Yes
Name  Yes
Description Yes
Additional Info Schema Yes
Note: This field is hidden in the template and must be edited by advanced users only. Values entered in this field must be well formed XML strings.
Additional Info Yes
Note: This field is hidden in the template and must be edited by advanced users only. Values entered in this field must be well formed XML strings.
Rules RuleBook Name No
Rule Name No
Type No
Description Yes
Control Objectives Yes
Documentation Yes
Expiry No Never Expires
Expiration Date No. If the Expiry column has the value has expiration date.
Priority Yes Informational
Status Yes Enabled
RuleAdditionalInfo RuleBook Name No
Rule Name No
Rule Owner/ Rule BPO Yes
Profile Name Yes
First Name
Note:  If this field is empty, the signed-in user will be considered the rule book owner.
Last Name
Note: If this field is empty, the signed-in user will be considered the rule book owner.
Additional Status Yes
Category Yes
Control Number Yes
Parameter list Yes
Supporting Documentation Name Yes
Supporting Documentation Link No, if Supporting Documentation Name is provided.
RuleDetails RuleBook Name No
Rule Name No
Note: For details on how these operators function while creating a rule, refer to the respective Authorizations Insight User’s Guide.
Side No
Menu Name Yes
Menu Description Yes
Menu Group Yes
Component Operator Yes
Component Name Yes
Component Description Yes
Page Operator Yes
Page Name Yes
Page Description Yes
Display-Only Pages Yes
Authorized Action Operator Yes
AuthorizedActionName Yes
Action Value Yes
Permissionlist Name Yes
Permissionlist desc Yes
Role Name Yes
Role Description Yes
Role Type Yes
Exclusions RuleBookName No
Rule Name No
Users Yes
Roles Yes
PermissionList Yes
Display Name Yes
Attribute Name Yes
Operator Yes
Attribute Value Yes
Role Parameter Yes
User Parameter Yes
Permission Parameter Yes
Attribute Parameter Yes
Parameter Attribute Name Yes
Parameter Operator Yes
Parameter Attribute Value Yes
Parameter Name Yes
Documentation Yes
CCs Yes
ParameterID Yes
ParameterValue Yes
ParameterListName Yes
ParameterListID Yes
Compensating Controls Rulebook Name No
Rule Name No
CCs Yes
Control Text Yes
Status Yes
Valid From Yes
Expiration Flag Yes
Expiration Date Yes
Last Updated By Yes
Last Updated On Yes
Created By Yes
Created On Yes
Param List ID Yes
Param List Name Yes
Assignment Expiry Yes
Keywords Rule Name No
Name No
Description Yes