Configuration files

The configuration files PreReqConfig.xml and CertManPreReqConfig.xml contain information of the prerequisite checks to be performed on the corresponding server. The details of the configuration file for prerequisites are as below:

XML node/attribute Description
PreRequisiteCheckConfig Root node
BRInfo Contains IRC version information

For example: 10.2.x

Server Name of the server

Type of the server.

For example: Application Server, SMTP Server, SAP, etc.

PreRequisite Contains details of prerequisite check
PreRequisite/Name Name of Prerequisite check
PreRequisite/DisplayName Display name of Prerequisite check on report

Contains the value indicating in which mode the prerequisite check will execute.

For example: If the value is post then the prerequisite check will execute only in already installed mode.


Type of message

For example: Info, Warning

PreRequisite/IsEnabled Contains value indicating whether the check is enabled or not. Supported values are true and false.
Operation Type of operation for example: Registry Lookup or DLL
Operation/Name Name of the operation

For example: registrylookup, dll

Operation/Operator Value can be AND or OR.

Contains the details of prerequisite check

Check/Name Name of the check


Root registry node
Check/Path Path of the registry
Check/ValueName Value Name attribute of the registry
Check/ValueData Contains value of the registry
Check/ValueOperator Contains the operator for comparison with registry value

For example:

  • ST means Starts with
  • EQ means Equal
  • GT means Greater than
  • GE means Greater or equal
  • LT means Less than
  • LE means Less or equal
Check/Message Default message to be displayed on the report for the check
Check/Assembly Contains name of the assembly
Check/Type Type name inside the assembly where prerequisite check logic is implemented
Parameters Contains collection of configured arguments needed for dll type check
Parameter Configured argument for the check
Parameter/name Name of the parameter
Parameter/value Value of the parameter

The figure below is an example of the PreReqConfig.xml.