Where to find results of prerequisite check?

Results of prerequisites check are generated in the .html as well as csv file format. As shown in the table below:

Check Location
Location of report file in .htm/csv format [InstallPath]\ IRC Prerequisite Check Utility\Report
Name of the PreInstall Check report generated in .htm format <CustomerName>_<ProductName>_PreInstallationReport-<Datatimestamp>.htm
Name of the Post-Install Check report generated in .htm format <CustomerName>_<ProductName>_PostInstallationReport-<Datatimestamp>.htm
Location of the report generated in .csv format [InstallPath]\IRC Prerequisite Check Utility\Report
Name of the Pre-Install Check report generated in .csv file format <CustomerName>_<ProductName>_PreInstallationReport-<Datatimestamp>.csv
Name of the Post-Install Check report generated in .csv format <CustomerName>_<ProductName>_PostInstallationReport-<Datatimestamp>.csv
csv file name for the SAP AddOns Check report SAP_InstalledADDOns_<hostname>_<systemnumber>_<client>_<date>_<time>.csv
csv file name for SAP User roles Check report SAP_AssignedRoles_<username>_<hostname>_<systemnumber>_<client>_<date>_<time>.csv