Scheduling an analysis

After successfully extracting data from the ERP application, you need to schedule an analysis to identify any exceptions or violations. Schedule an analysis as follows for both AI and UAI:

  1. Select Manage > Schedules > Newbutton, select Analysis from the drop down.
  2. Provide details on the General Information, Scope and Schedule panels as described below.
  3. Click the Pre-Analysis Check button if you have attached parameter lists while scheduling the analysis. When you click this button, IRC displays the Pre Analysis report which informs you whether the correct parameter list has been attached and whether it contains the required values.
  4. Click Save and Close.
    The analysis is scheduled. The status of this task can be viewed on the Tasks page and also on the Schedules page.

    The Analyses page displays all analyses currently in the system together with the related information such as the connection used and the number of violations or exceptions identified.