Exporting compensating controls

The export feature is useful if you want to share compensating controls with other users or if you want to use your compensating controls on other IRC servers.

Export a compensating control as follows:

  1. Select Design > Compensating Controls.
    The Compensating Controls page is displayed.
  2. Select the compensating control to be exported.
  3. Click the More Actions icon and then click Export.
    The Export Compensating Controls pop-window opens.
  4. Provide a name for the task to identify this task on the Tasks page or on the Import / Export page.
  5. Select the check box Export All Compensating Controls to export all available compensating controls in the application. This will generate a single output file.
  6. Select one of the following options to specify the output file format:
    • Select All:

      If you select this option, the compensating controls is first be converted to an XML file and then exported as a .zip file.

    • Export as XML file:

      If you select this option, the compensating controls is exported as an .xml file.

    • Compress output in a Zip file:

      If you select this option, the compensating controls is exported as a .zip file.

  7. Click Export. The compensating controls are exported to the Import/Export page from where you can download the file.