Entering rule book details

While creating a rule book, you must enter these rule book details:

  1. Select Design > Rule Books to display the Rule Books page.
  2. Click the New icon to display the New Rule Book page.
  3. Provide details on the General Information panel.
    Use this panel to provide general information about the rule book such as the rule book name, connections to be attached to the rule book and rule book status.
    • Name

      Provide a unique name for the rule book.

    • Connections
      Select one or more connections to be attached to the rule book. In case a connection is not selected while scheduling an analysis, the connections attached to the selected rule book are used for analysis.
      Note: If connections are secured, signed-in users will be able to view only those connections that are accessible to them. If all the connections are selected, only the connections accessible to the signed-in user will be attached to the rule book.

      By default, all connections are selected.

      To select specific connections:

      • Clear the All selection.
      • To select a connection, type in part of connection name in the autosuggest text box. All connections matching the search criteria are displayed. Select the required connection. The connection appears in the Connections field.

        Alternatively, click the Browse icon to browse for and select the desired connection and click OK. The connection appears in the Connections field.

      To remove a connection from the Connections list, select the connection to be removed and click the Remove icon.

    • IRC Insight

      From the drop-down list select an Insight category. This field is for informational purposes only and does not impact the rule books in any way.

      Click the Add icon. The Insight is added to the IRC Insight list.

      To remove an Insight from the IRC Insight list, select the Insight to be removed and click the Remove icon.

    • Access Status

      Select whether the rule book must be Enabled or Disabled. Only enabled rule books can be used for analysis.

    • Lock Status

      Select whether the rule book must be locked or unlocked. Locked rule books cannot be modified.

    • Actions

      Use this panel to select the following options:

      • Exclude Rule Book from the request analysis:

        Select this option to exclude this rule book from request analysis. When a request is created, analysis is performed using only those rule books that are not excluded.

      • Save excluded exceptions:

        Select this option if you wish to save the excluded objects that have generated exceptions during the analysis using this rule book. These excluded objects are written to the database.

    • Status

      From the drop-down list, select the status of your rule book. This is an informational field and the status of a rule book has no impact on analysis.

    • Expires On

      Click the Calendar icon to select the expiry date for the rule book or leave as Never Expires.

  4. Provide these details on the More Details panel.
    Use this panel to provide information on the following:
    • Description

      Provide any additional information about the rule book.

    • Owners

      Select users you wish to assign as the business process owner or rule book owner for this rule book.

      The creator of the rule book is the default rule book owner and can assign other users as owners of this rule book and business process owners. Rule book owners have full administrative permissions over the rule book.

      In the rule book ownership hierarchy, the business process owner is below the rule book owner. Business process owners have the same rights as rule book owners; but cannot add or remove users as the rule book owners and the business process owners.

      Note: The administrator can perform all actions on all the rule books, irrespective of the rule book ownership.
    • Supporting Documentation icon.

      Add contextual links to reference additional documentation.

      Provide the reference name and the reference link and click the Add icon.

    • Summary Information

      This field displays a summary of the rule book history such as the rule book was creation and the modifications made to the rule book.

    • Action

      The Action tab enables you to send an email notification to specific users in case a rule in the rule book is violated.