Mitigating violations

The Mitigate icon is displayed on the user interface if:

  • You are the creator of a request and the request is in the requestor stage.
  • You are the approver of the mitigation stage of a request.

A violation can be mitigated by attaching compensating controls to the violated rule. This ensures that the violating object is excluded from all analyses using this rule.

You can mitigate violations by attaching compensating controls as follows:

  1. Select the violating object in the left panel. The right panel displays all the rules violated by this object. The Compensating Controls field, below the rule name, lists all the compensating controls already associated with the rule.
  2. Additional compensating controls can be attached to this rule. You can:
    • Use existing compensating controls available in IRC
    • Create new compensating controls.
  3. Click Mitigate.
    Violation mitigated, by attaching compensating controls, are marked with an icon.
  4. Click Send.
    The request moves to the Inbox and the Requests home page of the next stage approver and to the History tab of the signed-in user.