Adding functional variables to approval stages

When creating approval process templates you have the option of selecting a Functional Area Variable at any stage of the Approval Process Template instead of hard coding the approver's name.

Add Functional Area Variables as follows:

  1. Select Functional Area Variable(s) from the Approvers drop-down list.
  2. Click Browse to open a window with a list of created variables.
  3. Select the functional area variable to which an Approver has been assigned. For example, Role Name.
  4. Click Done. The variable selected appears in the Approvers field in parentheses.
    When a request is created using this approval process template, the workflow engine checks that all sub functional levels specified in the Functional Areas match. For example, if the sub functional areas specified are Application, Company Code and Role Name, the workflow checks that all levels match. If they do, the Role Name variable is replaced by the approver mentioned in the functional area definition.
    Note:  If the workflow engine does not find a match the request goes to the default approver as long as the bypass condition is not set for No Approver.

    Company code is associated with a simple role. If the parent role(s) of this simple role need to be considered for finding approvers and/or filtering roles by functional area, contact Technical Support.