Creating a functional area

Variables by themselves are meaningless unless they have been added to a functional area. A functional area manages the scopes of the variables it contains.

A functional area has a name and a description and may contain either a single sub-functional area or multiple sub functional areas, which in turn can have further sub areas below them. All sub functional areas are tied to variables and their scopes.

Create a functional area as follows:

  1. Select Design > Functional Area. This displays Functional Area page.
  2. Click the Functional Areas tab.
    All created functional areas are listed on this tab.
  3. Click New Functional Area.
    The following page is displayed with the Functional Area tab open by default.
  4. On the Functional Area tab provide a name for the new functional area.
  5. From the Insight drop-down list, select the required Insight.
  6. Add a description for this functional area, if required.
  7. Click either of the following buttons:
    • Click Save to return to the Functional Areas tab. The functional area just created is displayed on this tab.
    • Click Save and Continue to add a sub-functional area.
    Note: Only functional areas created for Authorizations Insight for SAP are currently supported.