Creating parameters

Parameters can be created for Insights or for IRC.

Create a new parameter as follows:

  1. Select Design > Parameter Lists.
    The Parameter Lists page opens.
  2. Click the Parameter Library tab.
  3. Click the New icon.
    The New Parameter page opens.
  4. Provide a friendly or descriptive name for the parameter. This name must be unique. It should not contain any spaces or special characters.
  5. From the Insight drop-down list select an Insight. The drop-down list displays all installed Insights . The Insight selected will determine the values available for selection in the Technical Name field.
    Note:  Mark for Exclusion check box appears in the Option panel of Insight drop-down list. If check-box is selected, then the parameters marked for exclusion will be available while creating an exclusions list.
  6. In the Technical Name field, click the Browse icon to browse for an object. From the Browse Values page select the object you require and click OK.
    Note: In case of Authorizations Insight for SAP, the Technical Name field displays the attributes to be selected.
  7. When you select an object, the attributes field is displayed. The drop-down list displays attributes for the object selected. Select the attribute you require.
  8. In the Options field select the Allow Multiple Values check box if you want to add multiple values to the parameter.
  9. Click Save.