Managing Tasks

The Manage Tasks page enables you to track and monitor long running tasks. You can track the overall progress of the task as well as the individual status of each of the sub-tasks, such as the extraction progress of each object during an extraction.

This page also enables you to stop unwanted tasks.

The Tasks page displays the tasks scheduled by the signed-in user and provides details such as the status and duration of the task. A message in the Remarks column displays additional information about the success or failure of the task.

Tasks are run in order of priority and are categorized as critical, very high, high, medium and low priority tasks. Certain tasks also run concurrently with other tasks.

In general, tasks for different ERP applications are always run concurrently. A maximum of eight tasks can run concurrently at any given time.

Note: See the online help (ManageTasks) for details of task priority and the tasks that can run concurrently.

Click a Task Name link to drill down into the task to view further details. The Tasks page also allows users to generate the Task Details Report for their own tasks.