The Exceptions browser
The Exceptions browser is a primary source for navigating and remediating exceptions generated during analysis of rules created for Process Insights.
The filters help you to scope down the exceptions so that you view only those exceptions that you require.
Exceptions can be viewed:
- By rule book – This page displays the total count of exceptions by rule book
- By rule – This tab provides additional details around the exceptions that are generated.
- By reviewer - This tab displays users who are currently assigned the exception
- By object - This tab displays the list of the objects that has generated the exceptions
On the By Rule tab, when you click on a rule name, you drill down to the second level pop-up window to display the objects that have generated exceptions to that rule. Click on an object to drill down further to view details of the object causing the exception. This page provides access to all details that you must take action on and ultimately close out exceptions.