Business Process Exceptions report

This report displays the exceptions identified during a Process Insight analyses.

Based on the filters selected, this report displays the objects identified as exceptions for the selected analysis.

The report provides this information:

  • Primary violating objects. This depends on the objects being reviewed.
  • The number of rule conditions violated.
  • The amount of potential risks for the listed objects.
  • The status of the exception on the Exception browser.
  • The name of the reviewer to whom the exception is assigned.
  • The number of exceptions generated for a specific rule book and a rule.
Note:  To facilitate navigation, the report contain hyperlinks that will display the next range or previous range of exceptions.

You can perform these actions through the report:

  • Click Filters Used in the Report to view the filters selected to generate this report.
  • Click the required object ID link. The Exception browser. is displayed. Here you can view more details of the exception and take actions to remediate the exception.
Note: For more details on actions to remediate exceptions, refer to Infor Risk & Compliance Online Help.