User Violations report

The User Violations report displays user violations for the selected analyses that are performed using these rules:

  • User Activity Insight for SAP- Sensitive Transaction rules
  • User Activity Insight for SAP - Transaction Code Conflicts rules

Specify the required filters to scope the data to be displayed in the report. For example, if you select a connection in the Connections field, all activities of users in this connection are displayed in the report.

Note: If the signed-in user does not have access to any of the selected connections, the user activity data extracted from these connections will not be displayed in the report.

The report displays this information:

  • The total number of user violations generated for the selected analysis.
  • The violated rule details and the number of violations for that rule.
  • The connections from which the user violations are extracted.
  • Control objectives, documentation, and description assigned to the violating rule.

You can perform these actions through the report:

  • Click Show rules used in analysis to view all the rules used in the selected analysis.
  • Click the connection name link to view the details of the selected connections.
  • Click View Reason next to a violation to view the details of the violated rule and the violating user.