Notification templates

To subscribe notifications for analysis or a What-if event, go to Settings > Configuration > Notification Templates tab and select the Allow event notification subscriptions on the Preferences page

The notification templates for each of the events are listed on this page, grouped by language, and by event type. Click a template to review and modify the text and details that are received by the subscribers.

In the notification template, variables are encapsulated in hash tags.


'##Analysis##' analysis was scheduled to begin on ##StartTime## by '##Creator##'.

A user receiving this notification for analysis A123 can view:

A123 analysis was scheduled to begin on 9/3/2014 1:00 a.m. by John Smith. 

You can make the changes in plain language in the default design format, or click HTML to change the format. Color, font, and even images can be added to these templates. Additional variables can be added to the template by selecting the Variables list. Click Preview to review the modifications made to the notifications.

Note: Subject lines can only be modified for What-ifs and request notifications.

If you want to change the header or footer that appears on all the templates, click Edit Header or Edit Footer.