Mapping users

When you create a connection, you can map application users.

IRC can associate multiple connection accounts with a single profile. This is known as mapping of user accounts.

When you create a connection with the Map Users option selected, and perform an extraction, IRC fetches users from this connection, checks if the same user names exist in any other connections and merges the users (from different connections) with the same user name, into a single profile.

The mapped users can participate in cross connection analysis.

For example, a user John Smith has the User ID JSMITH in ERP Application 1 and the User ID JOHNS in ERP Application 2. With user mapping, a single profile record is created for these two IDs in IRC.

Mapped users can log in to IRC only if the users have a role that define the type of access. You can use the Automatic Role Assignment option on the Extraction settings security tab to provide these users a basic role when the users are added. If Automatic Role assignment option is turned ON, mapped users are displayed on the User Management tab of the Security page.

Users are mapped on the basis of the mapping criteria specified, during the creation of the connection.

Authentication differences in mapping

IRCAS Authentication: In IRCAS authentication setup, users are automatically mapped. The default criteria is userloginname = ERP Mapping field.

When you extract data from a connection with the Map Application Users option is selected, all the user IDs that are part of that extraction are stored in the IRC database as potential (but as yet uncreated) users.

The next time you create a new user in IRC using the Add New User function, the application checks if the new user ID you are creating already exists. If yes, an error message is displayed:

User 'AALAN' is an existing application user, Use 'Map application users' to add user to IRC 

You have to create a user using the Map Application Users option. From the above mentioned list of potential user IDs (along with the user name and the connection from where this user data was extracted), you must select the ID that is appropriate for your new user.

AD Authentication: When you create a connection with the Map Users option selected, and perform an extraction, the extracted users are mapped to Active Directory users. Active Directory users are extracted for all ERP extractions.

In an Active Directory (AD) Authentication setup, you can select the mapping fields. If multiple mapping criteria is selected and an Active Directory user meets more than one criterion across different fields, the user is mapped on the basis of the first matching criteria.

If the user is present in multiple connections but is not present in Active directory, only a single profile record is created for the user. The user is considered as a connection user or IRC user (as opposed to an AD user) and mapped across different connections (ERP application).

Manual mapping

IRC enables you to upload a CSV file containing a list of ERP users and the name that these users must be given, in this application. For example, user John is specified for different connections with different user IDs but must be given the same IRC user name. This can be achieved by uploading a CSV file containing John's User IDs in each of the different connections and the user name that John must be mapped to, in IRC.

When the CSV file is uploaded, data from the file is loaded into a database table. As the users are extracted, IRC checks that the users from the CSV file are present in the connection. If the extracted data contains a name that matches the CSV file, the user is mapped to the new name on the CSV and displayed in IRC, with this new name. The pages in IRC display the new name, including user violations on the Violation Browser, and user exclusions.

The CSV file can be loaded from the Extraction Settings tab in the Configuration menu.

Note: During extraction, manual mapping takes priority over automatic mapping.