Changing user mapping
By default, for IRC Application Security authentication, the User ID field is mapped to one of these MapFieldName fields based on the ERP system:
- DisplayName in SAP.
- userloginname in Lawson and Infor.
- OPRID in PeopleSoft.
- USER_NAME in Oracle.
Note: This feature is not applicable for Certification Manager.
You have the option to change this mapping, if the authentication scheme is changed to Active Directory. The Connection Details tab on this dialog box enables you to change to the required mapping criteria as shown in this figure:
If required, specify the mapping criteria at the ERP level:
- On the Connection Details tab, select the required ERP system from the ERP drop-down list.
- From the Mapping Criteria drop-down list, select the required field name(LdapFieldName) to be used to map ERP users to the default ERP field(MapFieldName) and click . The selected field names appear in the grid. All the users extracted from the selected ERP are mapped using the selected field name. The grid must have only one field. Remove the remaining fields before you proceed. To remove a selected field name, select the field name and click .
- Click Advance Mapping to define the mapping criteria at the connection level. The Connection Mapping window is displayed. The Connections drop-down list displays all the connections for the selected ERP system.
- Select the required connection from the drop-down list.
- From the Mapping Criteria drop-down list, select the required field name to map the ERP users from the selected connection in IRC and click . The selected field names appear in the grid. All the users extracted from the selected ERP connection are mapped using the selected field names. To remove a selected field name, select the field name and click .
- Run a full extraction for each connection in IRC to apply the new mapping criteria. Changes to the mapping criteria are implemented only in the AD authentication.