Account Config

The IRC and the Certification Manager application interacts with the Active Directory (AD), Windows Services, and Scheduled Tasks to perform certain operations. To authenticate these operations with the IRC and the CM applications, user accounts are necessary. These accounts are set at the time of the IRC activation.

Use the Account Configuration feature to make these changes:

  • The Active Directory lookup account to look up AD users.
  • The account to start the IRC Services registered with Windows Services.
  • The account to create or run the IRC tasks in the Windows Scheduled Tasks.

To update the respective accounts:

  1. Select the account type to update.
    Note: Active Directory Lookup account type is enabled only if the authentication scheme is set to Active Directory authentication.
  2. Select or set the User Name and Password based on the selected account type as follows:
  • For Active Directory Lookup Account:
    • User Name lists the users for each domain registered with IRC. The user name cannot be changed. You can select the appropriate user name and change the password. When you click Update, a pop-up window appears. Provide the credentials for the account to be used as Administrator.
    • This account connects to the Active Directory to verify that the updated information for the lookup account is correct. This account is not stored in the IRC application.
      Note: The User Name and Password provided in the pop-up window must belong to the same domain as the user selected in the Account Configuration window. The domain part of the user name must be omitted.
  • For IRC Services:
    • Enter the user name and password. For example. DomainName\DomainAccountName or MachineName\LocalAccountName.
Note: This account is also used to connect to the database in case of Windows Authentication for SQL Server database.
  • For Scheduled Tasks:
    • Enter the user name and password. This account must have local administrator privileges. An account without local administrator privileges will be accepted however the windows scheduler may not be able to run the tasks due to lack of privileges. Example: DomainName\DomeainAccountName or MachineName\LocalAccountName

Click Update after making the changes to update the account configuration.

Note: After updating the Account Config, it is necessary to perform an IISRESET, clear the .Net cache, and restart the IRC Services so that the changes are reflected.