Executing utility procedure

This utility is a UI form based application (.exe) and can be executed from any path.

Note: Do not execute the AIToUAIRuleConverter.exe from a remote machine on the network.

To execute this utility:

  1. Copy the folder SAP AI to UAI Rule Conversion Utility to your local machine.
  2. Double click AIToUAIRuleConverter.exe. The Convert SAP AI Rules to SAP UAI Rules screen is displayed.
  3. Click Browse and select the rule book containing the Authorizations Insight for SAP rules to convert.
    Note: Multiple rule books cannot be selected for conversion.
  4. Click Load Rule Book. The status of rule book upload is displayed in the Status field.
  5. Click Convert Rules. A pop-up window is displayed for providing a location for saving the converted rules. The status of rule book conversion is displayed in the Status field.
  6. Click Close to close the wizard.