Schedules (Calendar View)

This page displays calendar view of all scheduled tasks.

Click on Day, Week, Month, or Timeline to view the tasks by the current day, current week, current month, or for any 7 consecutive days. Hover the mouse pointer over a task to view the status of the task.

Actions from this page

This page enables you to perform the following actions:

  • Search for a scheduled task : To search for a task, specify the name of the task in the search field and click the Search icon. The search results are displayed on the Schedules page.
    Note:  If you select the Monthly recurrence option and set the schedule to recur every 4 months, the first recurrence of the task is not displayed on the schedules calendar.
  • Create a schedule to import data source data : Create a new schedule to import data source data from this page as follows:

    Click the New icon and then click Import Data Source Data.


    1. Double-click the calendar.
    2. Provide the details as explained in the topic Create or Modify a Scheduled Task.
  • Create a schedule to import users :Create a new schedule to import users from this page as follows:

    Click the New icon and then click Import Users.


    1. Double-click the calendar.
    2. Provide the details as explained in the topic Create or Modify a Scheduled Task.
  • Create a schedule to execute a process: Create a new schedule to execute a process from this page as follows:

    Click the New icon and then click Processes.


    1. Double-click the calendar.
    2. Provide the details as explained in the topic Create or Modify a Scheduled Task.
  • Schedule a system downtime: Create a new schedule for system downtime from this page as follows:

    Click the New icon and then click System Downtime.


    1. Double-click the calendar.
    2. Provide the details as explained in the topic Schedule System Downtime.
  • Edit a task : A task can be edited if it is recurring, or if it is scheduled but is not executed.

    Edit a task as follows:

    1. Double-click the desired task. A pop-up window is displayed containing the details of the task. Edit the desired details.
    2. Click Save.

    The task name cannot be edited.