
The Reports page displays the reports generated by the signed-in user through a report subscription. A report is displayed on this page only if the option Store in my CM Inbox is selected while scheduling that report.

This page also displays report details such as the name of the subscription for which the report is generated, description, age of the report, the size of the report file and file type.

This page enables you to perform the following actions:

  1. Click the report subscription name link to view the report in the format it is generated. For example, if the report is generated in PDF format, it is displayed as a PDF on this page.
  2. To share a report with other users:
    1. Select the report to be shared and click the Share icon.
    2. From the pop-up window displayed, select the users with whom the report is to be shared. Alternatively, click the Browse icon to browse and select the required users.
    3. Click Save and Close. The users with whom the report is shared can view the report on this page when they sign-in.
  3. Unsubscribe users from report subscriptions. Unsubscribe users from report subscriptions shared with them as follows:
    1. Select the check box next to the required shared report subscription.
    2. Click the Share icon. The list of Certification Manager users who share the subscription are displayed.
    3. Select the user who has to be unsubscribed.
    4. Click the Remove icon and click Save. A copy of the report is no longer be sent to the unsubscribed users.
  4. To delete a report:
    1. Select the report you wish to delete.
    2. Click the Delete icon.

    The reports count displayed on the score card is updated when the signed-in users:

    • Receive reports in their Inbox.
    • View the details of an unread report.
    • Delete a report.