Sign Off processes

The Sign Off tab displays all the processes for which the signed-in user is assigned as the Sign Off owner. These processes must be signed off by the Sign Off owner before they can be marked as completed. Typically, the internal audit team is assigned to complete this step. The Sign Off owner receives an email notification when a sign-off is required. The date and time displayed on this tab is according to the local time zone configured on the Preferences page.

Note: The Sign Off tab is not displayed on the user interface, if the signed-in user has only the Reviewer role assigned.

You can perform the following action on this tab:

  • Search for a sign-off process
  • Sign-off a process: To sign-off a process, select the required process and click Sign Off. Reviews of the signed-off processes are displayed on the History tab of the assigned stage reviewers.

The de-provisioning actions  can be performed on the reviews of a process only after the process is signed off by the assigned Sign Off Owner.