
Connections enable you to connect IRC to SAP so that data can be extracted from SAP. The type of connection you use is beased on the method of data extraction.

After installing and activating an Insight, you must create a connection from IRC to SAP in order to schedule an extraction through this connection.

The Connections page in the IRC User Interface provides an overview of the existing connections in your system and displays details such as the server name, connection description, and the number of Insights using a specific connection. Secured connections are indicated by the Secured icon and unsecured connections display the Not Secured icon.

To create a new connection on the IRC User Interface, click Settings > Connections. The Connections page is displayed.
connections page

You can create these types of connections:

Note: To delete a connection, click the Delete Connection option. This option is visible only if a connection exists. When a connection is deleted, the following data is also deleted from IRC:
  • All extracted data for that connection
  • The extraction information on the Home page and violations for the connection
  • The mapping between connections and rule books
  • All extraction schedules for that connection
  • All What-If Analyses and requests (If Access Manager is installed).