Limit revocation of all roles

The setting in the AMSConfig.xml file can be modified to prevent revocation of all roles assigned to users or positions in a selected SAP connection through requests.

By default, you can revoke all roles assignments. This means there can be users or positions without any role assignments in a SAP connection.

This configuration setting applies to these SAP requests:

  • Role Assignment request to revoke roles assigned to a user in the selected connection.
  • User Re-Provisioning request to revoke roles assigned to a user in the selected connection.
  • Roles to Position request to revoke roles assigned to a position in the selected SAP connection.

This default setting can be modified to ensure that all roles assigned to a user or a position are not revoked and that they must have at least one role assignment in the selected connection.

To configure the xml setting:

XML file name and path [InstallPath]\BizRightsPresentation\xml\AMSConfig.xml
Node enablezeroassignment>true</enablezeroassignment>
Configuration settings Change the default value to fals’ to ensure that all role assignments are not revoked through requests,.
Default True. All roles assigned to a user or a position in SAP can be revoked.