Web Services

Infor IRC uses the following web services:

AdapterManager Adapter Manager service manages adapter side information during extraction
ApprovalRequestManager The Approval Request Manager Service resides in the IRC Services setup. It allows IRC to manage the approval request and related actions.
ApprovalTemplateManager The Approval Template Manager Service resides in the IRC Services setup. It allows IRC to create and manage Approval Templates.
ApprovaOneServices ApprovaOneService web service used for get IRC Score card related information
AuthService Auth Service Web Service is getting used for authenticating the user credential
BizRightsSystemHealth This web service used to provide details Environment check which resides under configuration tab
BRSAPLiveOps The BRSAPLiveOps web service is used by IRC for Live Verify operations.
BrUserManagementWS The BrUserManagementWS web service is used for authenticating IRC Users.
ConfigurationManager The Configuration Manager Service resides in the IRC Services setup. It allows IRC to persist and query configuration information.
CP The CP web service provides APIs required for consuming the Command Processor Framework.
ERPWriteBacks The ERPWriteBacks service is used to update the underlying ERP with the requested changes once the changes have passed through the Approval Process
ExclusionManager The System Health Manager Service resides in the IRC Core setup. It allows IRC to manage the exclusion documentation functionality.
GRERequestManager The GRERequestManager service provides APIs required to support SDK for What-ifs
Localization The Localization web service is used by IRC to perform functionality related to resource strings.
MappingManager The Mapping Manager service is used by IRC Services to coordinate the extraction of information from IRC adapters.
OracleAIRequestManager The OracleAIRequestManager service provides APIs required to support SDK for Oracle AI What-ifs
PDSService This is a WCF service which communicates with IRC and Certification Manager to fire extraction and upload data respectively. PDS client connects to PDS service to fetch information related to the applications to upload data.
PeopleSoftRequestManager The PeopleSoftRequestManager service provides APIs required to support SDK for PeopleSoft AI What-ifs
ProfileManager The Profile Manager Service resides in the IRC Services setup and manages IRC profiles. It includes methods for querying, searching, creating and updating the profiles.
ProgressManager The Progress Manager Service resides in the IRC Core setup. It allows IRC to manage the progress status of an ongoing refresh activity.
PublishingWebServices This is a main attribute of the GRC Integration kit and is a means for third parties to integrate applications with IRC.
RemediationManager The Remediation Manager Service resides in the IRC Services setup. It allows IRC to monitor remediation actions.
ReportManagerWS The ReportManagerWS web service is used to manage report related information.
RoleManager The Role Manager Service resides in the IRC Services setup. It allows IRC components to retrieve and set information for functional and application roles within IRC.
RuleAnalysisWS This service is used to manage rule analyses.
RuleManager The Rule Manager Service resides in the IRC Services setup. It allows IRC to manage rules and their actions.
SDKAuthenticationManager The SDKAuthenticationManager web service provides APIs for authentication required for SDK.
SummaryInfoManager The Summary Information Manager Service resides in the IRC Services setup. It allows IRC to manage and display Home page related summary details, adapter related information, and other related information.
TMConfigurationManager The TMConfigurationManager web service is used to perform the Configuration related operations in IRC.
VBConfigurationManager The VBConfigurationManager service provides APIs required for Violation browser.
TMExtractionManager Extraction Manager web service is getting used to perform extraction related operation
TMTaskManager Task Manager service manages all task related information that getting displayed on Task Manager
UDDIAdmin Used during publishing webservices in AO Service/adapter activation
Note: No windows privileges or resource privileges required.